Monday, January 19, 2009

Why is it so hard to stay faithful and commited?

My coworkers and I are having this discussion about why is it hard for people, particuliarly guys, to stay faithful? There can be different answers to this question and here is mine:

Men, particuliarly black men,are at the top of the food chain. Period. They're getting pussy thrown at them from all different races of women. Some feel like there's something better out there and choose to 'explore' their options instead of just sticking with one girl and REALLY getting to know her and finding out if she's truly the right one. This is where the whole 'you never know what you got until its gone' notion comes from.

This is just MY theory and does NOT reflect the thoughts of others,lol. What do you think? Why is it so hard for men (and women) to stay commited and faithful to their significant other? I mean, why be with that person if your're not willing to give yourself to that person 100%?


  1. i completely agree with you ! And for the women , they just be hoes , like its something in there head were they cant control there sex drive or someshit ? idk ! but im a faithful person , and it SUCKS lol.

  2. Man is an animal just like lions, tigers and bears OH MY. They all (except those who die after mating) mate with anything in heat. Humans and dolphins are the only animals that have sex just for fun. I'm loyal because it's not safe to sleep around but if it was 1968, BOY O' BOY, I'd be a serial fornicator.

    Ok, not really but do it because the TV glamourizes it and people get the idea that it's ok. You see XYZ do it on TV so it must be ok because those are my role models right?

  3. @ Kait

    Yes, both men and women can be hoes but I think cheating is more common among men,lol. And guys have that saying, "theres no pussy like new pussy" or some shyt like that, so they're constantly trying to score. Ugh, makes me sick,lol.

  4. @ musbdluv

    I dint know dolphins did that,lol. They need to stop with that shyt. And its definitely not cool to sleep around in todays day and age where HIV is being given out like hotcakes- thats how all thes dieseases are being passed around. People stop.
